TEL: 310.367.2372

Practice Areas


Police agencies in the past several years have maintained an aggressive and comprehensive stance on tactics to identify and locate impaired drivers. Consequently what we have been seeing is a significant increase of DUI arrests.  Therefore, it should be no surprise that DUI’s happen to people from all walks of life such as doctors, nurses, police officers, engineers, stay at home mothers, students or simply someone who was just having a few drinks with friends over dinner.

For many people, a DUI arrest can mean that you will get fired from your job or lose your professional license.  That said, if you are arrested for a DUI, the consequences go way beyond possible jail time. A DUI can have a detrimental impact on your career and financial stability.

Further to make things worse, the DMV will suspend your license 30 days after your DUI arrest unless you or your attorney request a DMV hearing within 10 days of your arrest.  While most DUI’s are misdemeanors, at times they can charged as felonies due to prior DUI arrests and/or if there was an injury.

The Kay Law Firm has successfully handled over 5000 DUI cases and successfully obtained NOT GUILTY verdicts at trial. Attorney Juanita Kay also specializes in Marijuana DUI’s and most recently obtained a NOT GUILTY VERDICT in Orange County, which is known for being tough on DUI’s and a very conservative county.  So, if you have been arrested for a DUI call today because we can help!

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence charges can be filed as misdemeanors or felonies. While felonies have harsher sentencing consequences, all domestic violence allegations should be taken extremely serious because the outcome of your domestic violence case can have long lasting effects on your career, family, immigration status and right to carry a gun.

If you or a loved one is being investigated for allegations of domestic violence or was arrested for it, it is crucial that you obtain the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney early on in the case. Often times, early intervention and investigation can be key to getting these cases completely dismissed or getting the charges reduced.

Often times, we here the question, “Do I need a lawyer?” Yes. You do!! This is why.

A domestic violence conviction could mean jail time and mandatory anger management classes. If convicted for domestic violence, you will have a criminal record affecting your ability to obtain employment and you will be barred from owning a firearm or having one in your possession. A domestic violence conviction can affect your ability to have contact with your family and often times you will be prevented from entering your own home.

At The Kay Law Firm, Attorney Juanita Kay is intricately familiar with defending these cases and has successfully obtained not guilty verdicts, dismissals and reduction in these types of cases. She will take the time to meet with you to know your side of the case, explain the defenses you may have and most importantly she will vigorously defend you so that you stay out of jail! Call The Kay Law Firm now, and have her on your side!

Theft Crimes

Being charged with a theft crime can be a frightening experience, whether it’s an accusation of Petty Theft for shoplifting baby formula or Grand Theft Auto for stealing a car. You may be worried about the possible criminal punishments, including jail, or the secondary consequences, like losing your job or getting deported. It’s important to learn more about the charges, possible punishments, and legal defenses that can help protect you.

The Kay Law Firm has handled hundreds of Theft related charges and has a proven track record of obtaining a reduction of charges and complete dismissals. Also, hiring Attorney Kay early in the process may prove to be very beneficial given she has successfully convinced the prosecutor to not file charges in the first place. So, if you or a loved one is charged with a theft crime, call attorney Kay. She will immediately put her legal experience at work to help you stay out of jail and keep your records clean.

Drug Crimes

Were you arrested for Possession of Cocaine,, Methamphetamine, Heroin, Prescription Medication, Ecstasy or any other illegal substance? Contact us immediately. At the Kay Law Firm, we defend these cases vigorously and often times can get these charges dismissed entirely.

From a legal standpoint, in these types of cases we immediately look at whether you were in possession of the illegal substance and whether the police unlawfully detained or searched you. If so, we will file a motion to suppress due to the police acting illegally.

Further, within many of these cases you may be eligible for the Deferred Entry of Judgment Program (DEJ), which is a program usually for first time offenders allowing for a dismissal of the case if you successfully complete a drug education class and remain on good behavior for a period of time. Proposition 36 Program is much like the DEJ Program and also allows dismissal of the drug charges, but it is more intense and therefore less advantageous to the individual. Nevertheless, it is another option to avoid jail time. Additionally, under Proposition 47, which was recently passed, many felony cases are reducible to misdemeanors thereby eliminating any prison sentences for simple possession.

Unlike simple possession, the cultivation, sale and transportation of drugs carry stiff penalties and expose you to significant prison time. We also understand that the addition of having a gun or being a documented gang member in these types of cases can significantly increase your exposure. At The Kay Law Firm, we aggressively defend these types of cases and will immediately begin to work on your case to see if there was an illegal search and seizure that might result in the suppression of evidence and dismissal of the case. Attorney Juanita Kay has also had a high record of success in convincing the prosecutor to reduce the charges to misdemeanors given the lack of evidence to support a sales conviction on the basis that the illegal substances were possessed for personal use.

Sex Crimes

A number of criminal violations fall under “sex crimes” umbrella. Some of the most common sex crime charges in California include: Rape, Sexual Battery, Indecent Exposure, Prostitution/Solicitation, Lewd Conduct in Public, and Lewd Acts with a Child.

Most people who are arrested for a sex crime, may feel embarrassed or may want to keep it a secret. Due to this circumstance, often times, many people accused of this crime will go to court and plead guilty even though they may be innocent. But the stakes are high when you are facing a sex crime allegation because these types of charges can carry serious jail time and in some cases, a conviction can lead to a lifetime requirement to register as a sex offender.

At The Kay Law Firm, we understand these complex issues and have successfully avoided custody time and the sex registration requirement for our clients.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a sex crime in California, you need to contact Attorney Kay immediately and she will provide you with a no cost consultation.

Violent Crimes

Unfortunately, we live in a society that is plagued with violence. Typically a violent crime in California refers to Murder, Rape, Robbery, and Lewd Acts on a child under the age of 14 and aggravated assault charges.

However there are many other situations that can lead to violent crimes such as, bar fights or domestic violence situations if there are any severe injuries. At the Kay Law Firm, we have profound experience in handling these types of cases. For example, were you acting in self-defense? Is there sufficient evidence to prove that you were involved or can you be identified as the perpetrator?

This is why it is extremely important to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney early on in the process. Often times, the police do not have sufficient evidence against you to file charges. In attempt to gain this information, the police will tell you that if you cooperate and give a statement, things will turn out better. This is never true as the incriminating statements you give will ALWAYS be used against you in a criminal case. Be smart, if you are being investigated for a violent crime or have been arrested, demand a lawyer, assert your right to remain silent and contact Attorney Kay. At the Kay Law Firm, we know what it takes to win these very complicated high-level cases and have a very high success rate in handling these types of violent crime cases.

Contact us now!! Attorney Kay and her legal team will start working on your case and start building your solid defense in an effort to keep you out of jail.

Three Strikes

Under California law, the Three Strikes Law can mean spending the rest of your life in prison. If you have been charged with a third strike, you need an attorney who can defend you against this charge and the other two “strikes.” Attorney Juanita Kay has extensive experience in defending against third strike cases and can help you prevent it.

So, if you or a loved one is facing a third felony charge, you could lose your freedom for the rest of your life, no matter how minor the matter might seem. Attorney Kay will review your current felony charge to determine if it is a strike and also review all of your prior strikes. If there is any opportunity to “strike a strike” (change a felony to a misdemeanor or file a motion to strike the prior strike, for example), she will find it.

Often times, people make a mistake in hiring an inexperienced attorney to defend them in these types of serious cases. However, this in effect can be a costly mistake because this area of law is extremely complex and the law in this area is ever changing. In a Third Strikes cases, you need experience on your side. Attorney Juanita Kay works with a group of investigators and support staff that will DO whatever it takes to protect your freedom and help keep you with your family. So, if you are facing a strike or your 3rd strike, call today so that she can start building a defense strategy to prevent you from picking up that strike!


When a warrant is issued for your arrest, this means that law enforcement may arrest you upon contact. So, if you know there is a warrant for your arrest, contact out office NOW!

Warrants issue for several different reasons such as failure to pay fines, violation of probation, picking up a new case, or simply not doing something the court asked you to do. At the Kay Law Firm, we specialize in recalling warrants and before we go to court we will call the court to figure out what exactly caused the warrant to issue. At times, we can even recall the warrant without your presence and if you do have to be present, we will always be prepared with a bail bond agent so that you do not have to spend any time in jail.

Expungements / Post Conviction Relief

Have you changed your life around and now want to clean up your criminal record or do you have to clean up your record for immigration purposes or to seek better employment? Contact criminal defense attorney Juanita Kay.  She has handled hundreds of expungements and has been very successful in vacating criminal convictions for immigration purposes.

In the state of California, after you have finished the term of probation and completed all the requirements asked of you by the court, one can petition to the court to have the conviction expunged from your record pursuant to CA Penal Code Section 1203.4. If you were convicted of a felony, the conviction may qualify for an expungement if the felony conviction qualifies for a Penal Code Section 17(b) reduction. Whether a conviction qualifies for an expungement can be a tricky process. Attorney Juanita Kay is intricately familiar with the ever changing laws that govern expungements and post-conviction relief. Therefore, contact the Kay Law Firm for a free consultation and she will sit down with you to discuss the best course of action for your situation.

17116 Bellflower Blvd.
Bellflower CA 90706

Cell: 310.367.2372
Office: 562.202.9933

JK Defense

17116 Bellflower Blvd, Bellflower, CA 90706, USA

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